Graffiti can have different styles. Tagging is the simplest type of graffiti, usually done quickly in spray paint, markers or pens and lacking artistic form; A throw-up involves more work than tagging, usually having two or three colors and done in bubble letters; Stenciling can be a quick way to produce more complicated graffiti designs and by using two or more layers, you can produce color. The app does not just translate words. It helps them learn. When translating a single word, Bubble Translate will remember it and display it in a pop-up window with answer choices. Learn languages effortlessly, choosing the right answers. Bubba definition, brother (usually used as an affectionate term of address). Use Pop-up Bubble Translator to quickly translates words, sentences and text on any website. The Bubble translator displays the translation in a pop-up window without leaving the page. To translate using the Pop-up Bubble, select a text on a webpage with the mouse and click the floating button. Stick with web services where you can tap professionals to do it for you. Frankly software is still years from being accurate. Check out something like http.
Capture2Text enables users to quickly OCR a portion of the screen using a keyboard shortcut. The resulting text will be saved to the clipboard by default.
Conceptual illustration:
Capture2Text is free and licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
The latest version can be found on the Capture2Text download page hosted by SourceForge.
Supported operating systems:
Note: Windows XP support has been dropped as of Capture2Text v4.0.
By default Capture2Text comes packaged with the following languages: English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Russian, and Spanish.
Follow these steps if you would like to install additional OCR languages:
Afrikaans (afr) | Greek (ell) | Odiya (ori) |
Albanian (sqi) | Gujarati (guj) | Panjabi (pan) |
Amharic (amh) | Haitian (hat) | Persian (fas) |
Ancient Greek (grc) | Hebrew (heb) | Polish (pol) |
Arabic (ara) | Hindi (hin) | Portuguese (por) |
Assamese (asm) | Hungarian (hun) | Pushto (pus) |
Azerbaijani (aze) | Icelandic (isl) | Romanian (ron) |
Basque (eus) | Indic (inc) | Russian (rus) |
Belarusian (bel) | Indonesian (ind) | Sanskrit (san) |
Bengali (ben) | Inuktitut (iku) | Serbian (srp) |
Bosnian (bos) | Irish (gle) | Sinhala (sin) |
Bulgarian (bul) | Italian (ita) | Slovak (slk) |
Burmese (mya) | Japanese (jpn) | Slovenian (slv) |
Catalan (cat) | Javanese (jav) | Spanish (spa) |
Cebuano (ceb) | Kannada (kan) | Swahili (swa) |
Central Khmer (khm) | Kazakh (kaz) | Swedish (swe) |
Cherokee (chr) | Kirghiz (kir) | Syriac (syr) |
Chinese - Simplified (chi_sim) | Korean (kor) | Tagalog (tgl) |
Chinese - Traditional (chi_tra) | Kurukh (kru) | Tajik (tgk) |
Croatian (hrv) | Lao (lao) | Tamil (tam) |
Czech (ces) | Latin (lat) | Telugu (tel) |
Danish (dan) | Latvian (lav) | Thai (tha) |
Dutch (nld) | Lithuanian (lit) | Tibetan (bod) |
Dzongkha (dzo) | Macedonian (mkd) | Tigrinya (tir) |
English (eng) | Malay (msa) | Turkish (tur) |
Esperanto (epo) | Malayalam (mal) | Uighur (uig) |
Estonian (est) | Maltese (mlt) | Ukrainian (ukr) |
Finnish (fin) | Marathi (mar) | Urdu (urd) |
Frankish (frk) | Math/Equations (equ) | Uzbek (uzb) |
French (fra) | Middle English (1100-1500) (enm) | Vietnamese (vie) |
Galician (glg) | Middle French (1400-1600) (frm) | Welsh (cym) |
Georgian (kat) | Nepali (nep) | Yiddish (yid) |
German (deu) | Norwegian (nor) |
Follow these steps to perform a standard OCR capture using the capture box:
As with all OCR captures, you must manually select the language that you would like to OCR from the settings.
To change the OCR language, right-click the Capture2Text tray icon, select the OCR Language option and then select the desired language.
To quickly switch between 3 languages, use the OCR language quick access keys: Windows Key + 1, Windows Key + 2, and Windows Key + 3. The quick access languages may be specified in the settings.
When Chinese or Japanese is selected, you should specify the text direction (vertical/horizontal/auto) using the text direction hotkey: Windows Key + O. If auto is selected, horizontal will be used when the capture width is more than twice the height, otherwise vertical will be used. The text direction also affects how furigana is stripped from Japanese text.
(For Japanese) Capture2Text will attempt to automatically strip out furigana.
Capture2Text can automatically capture the line of text that is closest to the mouse pointer.
Follow these steps to perform a Text Line OCR Capture:
Capture2Text can automatically capture the line of text starting at the character that is closest to the mouse pointer and working forward.
Follow these steps to perform a Forward Text Line OCR Capture:
Capture2Text can automatically capture text contained within a comic book speech/thought bubble as long as the bubble is completely enclosed.
Follow these steps to perform a Bubble OCR Capture:
To specify the active OCR language, right-click the tray icon, click on OCR Language, and select an OCR languages from the list:
To enable the translation feature, start by opening the settings dialog (right-click tray icon and select 'Settings.'), and clicking on the Translate tab.
Check the 'Append translation to clipboard' checkbox to append the translated text to the clipboard using the provided separator.Check the 'Show translation in popup window' checkbox to display the translated text along side the OCR text in the popup window. For example:.Each installed OCR language may be translated to a different language.
Note 1: Some OCR languages do not have translation support. Unsupported languages will not be displayed.
Note 2: The translation feature requires Internet access.
Right-click the Capture2Text tray icon in the bottom-right of your screen and then select the 'Settings.' option to bring up the Settings dialog. You may hover over many of the option labels to display a helpful tooltip explaining the option.
The Hotkeys tab allows you to specify which key and modifiers to use for each hotkey. To disable a hotkey, select '<Unmapped>' from the drop-down list.
Current OCR language: Specify the active OCR language to use. You may also specify the active OCR language in the tray icon menu.
Quick-Access Languages: The languages to use for each of the quick-access language hotkeys.
Whitelist: Inform the OCR engine that the captured text will only contain the provided characters.
Blacklist: Inform the OCR engine that the captured text will never contain the provided characters.
Text Orientation: The orientation of the text that will be captured. This option is only used when Chinese or Japanese is set as the active OCR language. If Auto is selected, horizontal will be used when the capture width is more than twice the height, otherwise vertical will be used. The text direction also affects how furigana is stripped from Japanese text. You may also specify the text orientation in the tray icon menu or with the Text Orientation hotkey. Top 10 free video editing software for windows 8.
Tesseract Config File: An advanced feature that allows you to specify a Tesseract config file.
Trim Capture: During OCR preprocessing, trim captured image to foreground pixels and add a thin border. OCR accuracy will be more consistent and may even be improved. 1password pricing.
Deskew Capture: During OCR preprocessing, attempt to compensate for slanted text found in an OCR capture.
Contains options for configuring the automatic captures. Hover over the option labels for more information.
Allows you to specify the colors of the OCR Capture Box. The transparency can be changed by adjusting the 'Alpha channel' value in the color selection dialog.
Allows you to specify the preview position, color, and font. Fortigate vm license file crack. You may disable the preview by unchecking the 'Show Preview Box' checkbox.
Save to clipboard: Save the captured OCR text to the clipboard.
Show popup window: Show the captured OCR text in a popup window:
Keep line breaks: Check this option if you don't want carriage returns and line feeds to be stripped from the captured text.
Logging: Allows you to save all captures to the specified file in the specified format. The following tokens may be used in the format: ${capture}, ${translation}, ${timestamp}, ${linebreak}, ${tab}. The default format is: '${capture}${linebreak}'.
Call Executable: An advanced feature that allows you call an executable after OCR is complete. The following tokens may be used: ${capture}, ${translation}, ${timestamp}. Example:
Allows you to perform text replacements. Supports regular expressions. Office 2016 for mac dmg. The text on the left will be replaced with the text on the right. Different replacements may be specified for each OCR language.
See the translation section.
This page allow you to enable the text-to-speech feature, set the volume, and select the options (voice, rate, pitch) to use for each OCR langauge.
Enable Text-to-speech: Enable text-to-speech when text is captured.
When this option is checked and the voice is not set to '<Disabled>', the 'Say' button will appear in the popup dialog:
Volume: Master volume of the text-to-speech feature. Applies to all languages.
OCR Language: Specify speech options for the selected OCR language.
Preview: Preview the current rate, pitch, and voice.
Imovie 10 0 9. Solution: Install the Visual Studio 2015 redistributable.
Possible solutions:
Make sure that you have unzipped Capture2Text. Search Google if you do not know how to unzip a file.
Make sure that your Anti-virus software is not blocking Capture2Text. Refer to the documentation that was bundled with your Anti-virus software.
Make sure that you have downloaded the latest version from SourceForge.
Restart your computer.
Ask one of your grandchildren to help you :)
Great! Create a ticket and describe the bug.
Great! Create a ticket and describe your suggestion.
Solution: Specify the correct OCR language.
Read Installing Additional OCR Languages.
Click the 'Show hidden icons' button (it looks like a triangle or a ^ character).
Right-click it instead.
Capture2Text is a Windows-only software. If you have a technical background, feel free to port it (but don't ask me to help).
There isn't one. Capture2Text doesn't have an installer either. To remove Capture2Text from your computer, simply delete the Capture2Text directory.
Type '%appdata%Capture2Text' into Windows Explorer.
You may delete it to restore default settings.
Call Capture2Text.exe using the --portable option. You may want to create a shortcut for this. Setting this option will make Capture2Text store the .ini settings file in same directory as Capture2Text.exe (as opposed to '%appdata%Capture2Text' which is the normal location).
The source code is located on SourceForge.
Automatically lookup Japanese words that you have OCR'd with Capture2Text. Supports de-inflected expressions, readings, audio pronunciation, example sentences, pitch accent, word frequency, kanji information, and grammar analysis. Supports both EDICT and EPWING dictionaries.
Free and open source Manga reader android app that allows you to quickly OCR and lookup Japanese words in real-time. There are no ads and no mysterious network permissions. Supports both EDICT and EPWING dictionaries.
I value simple content structure, clean design patterns and thoughtful interactions.
Things I enjoy designing:
UX, UI, Mobile and Mac Apps, Logos
Design Tools:
I like to code things from scratch and bring ideas to life on macOS and iOS
Languages I enjoy using:
C, ObjC, Swift, JS, CSS, HTML
Dev Tools:
I create right architecture, clean code and use great frameworks